During the height of the metaverse craze, we created a hoax to prove La Colombe’s committment to their brand line: For the Love of Real.
Part 1: Build the metaverse’s first coffee shop – La Virtual Colombe.
Part 2: Blow it up at a highly publicized grand opening – La Caboom.
Press Release
La Colombe will release a statement about entering the metaverse along with fake interior renders of the virtual cafe.
The word will get out through a mix of paid and earned media.
NYC billboards will further perturb and provoke coffee drinkers.
Teaser Video
Snoop Dogg will tease the launch of La Virtual Colombe as well as live stream the grand opening.
Snoop Dogg:
What’s up internet, it’s Snoop. As you all know I already have a mansion in the metaverse and now I’ve partnered with La Colombe Coffee Roasters to create the metaverse’s first fully functional coffee shop. Trust me, It’s going to change the way we experience and taste coffee. Catch me on Instagram Live September 7th for the grand opening.
Landing Page
The grand opening of La Virtual Colombe will be teased out on lacolombe.com.
La Caboom
At the grand opening live stream, Snoop Dogg’s avatar will cut the ribbon and La Virtual Colombe will explode. Out of the rubble will appear the statement, Real when nothing else seems to be.
The explosion will reveal a promo code for a discount on real coffee in the real world.
We’ll support the activation through a combination of paid spots and earned media from people sharing videos of the explosion on social.
CD: Alex Lo Grasso